Uses and features: The machine is used to cut vamps, soles, leather, rubber, chemical fibre, hard paper and cotton fabrics. 1... 2. Wagt gutulmagy belent sirkik, könelişiň ýokary derejesini ýokarlandyrýan syrkawyň aşaky ýagdaýyna gözegçilik edýär. Adjust the height of swing arm apart from working table to make operation simply, reliable and convenient. Tehniki taýdan ...
Uses and features The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Swing golunyň aýlanmagy çeýe, we amallar we materiallaryň saýlamak amatlydyr. 2. High quality seamless steel tubes are adopted and processed into pillars, which are supported by top and bottom holes, to guarantee the flexible rotation and good reliability of upper beating board. 3. Wyklýuçatel o ...
Ulanmak we aýratynlyklar hezin, daglar, derper, daýhan, himiki süýüm, himiki kagyzy, berk we pagta matalaryny azaltmak üçin ulanylýar. 1... 2. Time-lapse electronic circuit controls the bottom position of stroke, which makes precision high and raises quality of shoes. Diňe işlemek, ygtybarly we amatly işlemek üçin iş staklaryndan aýry swing golunyň beýikligini sazlaň. Gidrawlik
16T die clicking press Uses and features: The machine is used to cut vamps, soles, leather, rubber, chemical fibre, hard paper and cotton fabrics. 1. Adopt automatic lubricating system which supplies oil to reduce abrasion and prolong the service life of the machine. 2. Wagt gutulmagy belent sirkik, könelişiň ýokary derejesini ýokarlandyrýan syrkawyň aşaky ýagdaýyna gözegçilik edýär. Diňe ygtybarly, ygtybarly, ygtybarly we ýoldaşyny dolandyrmak üçin iş stolunyň beýikligini sazlaň ...
Uses And Features: The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Swing golunyň aýlanmagy çeýe, we iş sişmesi amatly, amatlydyr. 2. High quality seamless steel tubes are adopted and processed into pillars, which are supported by top and bottom holes, to guarantee the flexible rotation and good reliability of upper beating board. 3. Wyklýuçatel işleýär ...
Ulanmak we aýratynlyklar gapjyk tozanlary, kiçijik oýunlar, bezeg, deri salatelijiler we kiçi öde ýaly öride şeýlelik ýaly aýratynlyklar ýaly amatlydyr. 1. Swing golunyň aýlanmagy çeýe, we iş sişmesi amatly, amatlydyr. 2. Qualityokary hüňsiz polotensalary ýokary we aşaky deşikleriň çeýe aýlawyna we gowy deşiklere bolan kepillik berýän sütünlere alyp barýar. 3. The switch is operate...
Ulanylýanlar we aýratynlyklar: enjamlar damallary, damatlary, deri, rezin, himiki süýüm, himiki kagyzy, berk we pagta matalaryny azaltmak üçin ulanylýar. 1... 2. Time-lapse electronic circuit controls the bottom position of stroke, which makes precision high and raises quality of shoes. Adjust the height of swing arm apart from working table to make operation simply, reliable and convenient. Technical...
Uses And Features: The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Swing golunyň aýlanmagy çeýe, we iş sişmesi amatly, amatlydyr. 2. High quality seamless steel tubes are adopted and processed into pillars, which are supported by top and bottom holes, to guarantee the flexible rotation and good reliability of upper beating board. 3. Wyklýuçatel işleýär ...